torsdag 1. mai 2014


2 kommentarer:

  1. Takk for koselig hilsen på bloggen min. :) Og for en fin aprilcollage! Vi har virkelig hatt en fin og lys og varm vårmåned. Med en sånn oppladning er i alle fall jeg full av energi og klar for å ta fatt på mai. Ha en finfin 1. maidag! :)

  2. Paying bills online, however, is more than just a replica wathces streamlined version of a traditional method. It also offers record-keeping benefits, thanks to the ability to generate online replica watches reports and search transaction histories. Forgoing paper, as well as the carbon footprint required to deliver it to one's home, has obvious environment-preserving benefits. With all this convenience comes risk -- both real and perceived. Even tech-savvy bill payers battle fears about privacy infractions and identity theft rolex replica. Others have nagging worries that spyware may secretly be installed to record every keystroke (including passwords). Still more wonder if fake Web pages -- that look identical to a bank's Web site -- might be used to intercept their user information.


Så stas at DU tok turen innom, og jeg setter så STOR pris på kommentarer. & fine ord, Tusen takk fine du, det varmer ♥ mitt. En herlig dag til deg!

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